Professor Joanna Wardlaw
Professor Wardlaw is Chair of Applied Neuroimaging and Head of Neuroimaging Sciences and the Director of the Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain at the University of Edinburgh. Her research focuses on small vessel disease and stroke. She is involved in multiple studies and trials aimed at improving diagnosis, understanding the cause and preventing these diseases.
She has established the Brain Research Imaging Centre at the University, and a Scotland-wide imaging network called SINAPSE. She has published over 850 papers on stroke and SVD.
Key publications
Potter et al. 2015 Enlarged perivascular spaces and cerebral small vessel disease. Int. J. Stroke 10(3):376-81. PMID: 23692610
Publication link:
Wardlaw et al. 2013 Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease and its contribution to ageing and neurodegeneration. Lancet Neurol 12(8):822-838 PMID: 23867200
Publication link:
Related links
Professor Joanna Wardlaw profile page at the University of Edinburgh website
Professor Joanna Wardlaw - list of publications and research projects (Edinburgh Research Explorer)
Professor Joanna Wardlaw - list of publications (PubMed)
Neuroimaging at the University of Edinburgh website
Brain Research Imaging Centre website
Image Databanks at Edinburgh Imaging
Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE) website